Engineering Organization Benchmarks

Startup organizations often face questions regarding best practice solutions:

  • What is the optimal structure for an effective engineering organization?
  • What functional group is needed?
  • What is the best functional distribution for system and component engineering?
  • How does software engineering fit into the picture?
  • What is the appropriate test coverage, is a separate Test Group required?
  • Which engineering function is responsible for software calibration?
  • Is the quality of engineering deliverables sufficient?
  • What is a realistic development cycle to support business goals for time to market?

You may have challenges setting priorities, for instance the allocation of engineering resources for new product development vs. cost and performance enhancement for the existing product portfolio.

With a large, mature engineering organization, the optimization of the work processes and cooperation between the engineering functions can increase the efficiency of the organization.

You may need to balance the engineering resources utilization to provide excellent customer support, but also focus on product quality, cost and performance improvement.

We can help with proven organization models for optimizing these conflicting requirements for optimization of your engineering organization.

Technology and Product Roadmap

Product development beyond the phase for proof of concept requires extensive engineering resource allocation and budget for the final design and product validation release.

Product proliferation and diversification can lead to expensive engineering resources and budget allocation.

A disciplined approach for the development of product roadmap can optimize the utilization of engineering resources.

When is the right time to introduce new technology?

Alignment of the marketing strategy and new technologies introduction can be a key for business success.

We can help with evaluation of  new technologies and definition of insertion strategies for  the product and technology planning processes.

Product Architecture Management and Model Policy

The product roadmap defines the scope of the product and helps with clear understanding of market segmentation.

Combining the strategic product roadmap with a modular approach for the software and ECU design is the right approach for supporting an extensive product portfolio with most efficient utilization of engineering resources.

The modular approach allows re-usability of mature design that reduces the time to market.

Product architecture management and model policy are some of the key requirements for the modular (or “Baukasten”) product development.

Supplier Selection

We offer comprehensive experience in a selection of global suppliers for embedded software and also for the development and manufacturing of electronic control systems.

We also have extensive experience and a deep understanding of automotive manufacturing suppliers in the Chinese market.